Here is a link to the public records and Montgomery County information (PDF) – Norristown PA 19401
Norristown PA 19401
205 Noble St Norristown PA 19401 | Foreclosure Properties in Norristown, PA
5 Bedroom – 1 Bathroom 3-Story Twin
Hello and welcome to a video walkthrough. My name is Steve and today I’ll be guiding us through one of our foreclosure properties in Norristown, PA.
In today’s video we’re checking out 205 Noble St Norristown PA 19401. This 3-story twin is located in the Norristown Boro of Montgomery county, and is part of the Norristown school district. The house features 5 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, and a full basement, coming in at 2,120 square feet. The entire lot measures 2,500 square feet.
This property is going to need a little rehabilitation. There are some windows that need to be replaced, and there are currently no utilities or plumbing. The rest of the interior looks pretty good, needing only a few touch ups here and there. This property is worth taking a look at whether you’re investing or home buying.
Now let’s start the tour…
Starting outside, we take a look at the front of the property and its surroundings.
Now to head up the front steps and check out the interior. Through the front door, we enter into the living room. Heading back we pass into the dining room. Further back is the kitchen, which has second staircase to the next floor. And at the back of the house is the laundry area.
For a quick sequence break, we’re going to head out the back door to check out the backyard.
Back inside, we head up to the second story. Heading towards the back we have bedroom 1. In the middle of the hall is the large bathroom. Here we have bedroom 2. And here we have bedroom 3.
Now on to the third story. To the right is bedroom 4. And at the end of the hall is bedroom 5.
Our last stop for the tour is the basement which can be reached via stairs in the kitchen.
That’s all for our tour of 205 Noble St Norristown PA 19401.
If you have any questions or would like to set up a showing then please give us a call at (267) 388-3520, or email us at and we’ll get you taken care of.
Thank you for joining me on this video walkthrough and be sure to check out our other properties right
That’s our walk through video of 205 Noble St Norristown PA 19401.
If you would like to schedule a viewing please give us a call at (215) 388-3520