Here is a link to the public records and Montgomery County information (PDF) – Jenkintown PA 19046
Jenkintown PA 19046
100 West Ave Unit #524S Jenkintown PA 19046 | Foreclosure Properties in Jenkintown, PA
1 Bedroom – 1 Bathroom Condo
Hello there! Welcome to a video walkthrough. My name is Steve and I’ll be your guide as we take this very short tour of a foreclosure condo.
For this video we are going to be checking out 100 West Ave Jenkintown PA 19046 specifically apartment number 524S. The complex is located in the Beaver Hill neighborhood in Montgomery county, and belongs to the Jenkintown Boro and school district. It is also located right next to the Jenkintown train station, perfect for car-less commuters. The 1 bedroom, 1 bathroom apartment is 911 square feet, so this is going to be a quick tour.
Let’s check it out…
As this is an apartment complex, we’re going to start our video outside with a look at the parking lot and front of the building. Heading inside we can see the lobby of the building here. The lobby has several amenities for use by tenants: the laundry room is over on the right, on the left we have the mail room and a fitness room that we couldn’t enter. Our apartment is up on the fifth floor, so let’s head up there now and really start the tour.
Now that we’re in the apartment itself, we’ll start immediately to our left with the kitchen. Straight ahead is the decently sized living room which leads out to the balcony. Back and to the left is a unique room for condos: an office.
Worth mentioning in the hallway here is a very large walk-in closet right next to the bathroom, seen here. And finally, over here we have the bedroom.
That’s all for our tour of 100 West Ave Unit #524S, Jenkintown, PA 19046.
If you have any questions or would like to set up a showing please give us a call at (267) 388-3520, or email us at and we’ll get you taken care of.
Thanks for joining me on this video walkthrough and be sure to check out our other properties right here on!
That’s our walk through video of 100 West Ave Unit #524S Jenkintown PA 19046.
If you would like to schedule a viewing please give us a call at (215) 388-3520